Eye tracking is relatively new technology that makes it possible to track where a user is looking. Glasses equipped in a camera can detect the attention and focus of the user, which is a brilliant insight into users mind. Studying eye movements can help understand what really catches users attention and how they process information. Based on the recording we are able to find strong and weak points of the product, and suggest possible improvements.
Exploring the service ourselves is the most obvious way to discover what users may like or what can be a possible problem. It also helps us to understand what works for customers and what should be improved. And if you require a particular group of users we are always happy to provide you with the respondents.
Aren’t you curious what users think about your product, system or service? Individual In-depth Interviews are a great way to discuss your offer with potential customers or users – finding what they think, and what they like (or are missing) gives space for improvements. Individual scenarios for each interview are prepared based on your product and your target group.